Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Grammar Olympics - Opening Ceremony

Tonight (Adelaide time) The Grammar Gang (Brady, Susanna, Virginia and Andrea) decided this blog will be the site for the inaugral Grammar Olympics.

You can test your grammar skills and win great prizes like:

  • A Purdue Writing Lab gift set

  • A really hot polo shirt from UniSA (aka 'collectors item'!)

  • Anything else our respective marketing departments might like to donate.

Prepare to post to our upcoming Grammar Olympics events

To participate:
  • Click on comments

  • Select Google/Blogger or anonymous or name and URL

  • Remember to include your email address

On your marks...get set...go


  1. Hi team
    I like your idea of this blog but if I hadn't been looking around for some Learning connection resources I wouldn't have found it! I think this would be really helpful for our international students. I am teaching a small group from SAIBT who hope to do health sciences next year. Are they able to participate?

  2. Hi Sheila

    We've just started on our quest (in earnest) to get this up and running (in time for the Olympics!)

    We'd love to have your SABIT students participate.
